Lay the foundation for exceptional GTM execution

We founded Nektar in response to a staggering problem: businesses lose over $2 trillion annually due to GTM inefficiencies, as highlighted by BCG. The real challenge isn’t just the inefficiencies—it’s not knowing where they exist.

Companies struggle to identify these revenue leaks because of fragmented, siloed data systems. While some companies might turn to GPT solutions or copilots, these approaches fall short if the underlying data is flawed. The first step is fixing the data itself.

To thrive in a competitive landscape with tight budgets, businesses need a unified system that organizes all GTM data, providing a clear and comprehensive view of customer and prospect interactions.

At Nektar, we’re building an AI-driven GTM data automation solution that’s easily configurable to align with your unique sales process and strategic objectives, empowering you to turn data into actionable insights and drive success.


$8.1M Seed

Abhijeet Vijayvergiya

Trust their words, not just ours