sales commission software

9 Sales Commission Software for 2024

Discover 9 leading sales commission software for 2023, offering streamlined calculation, transparent tracking, and incentive management for sales teams

Your sales reps are on top of their game. Deals are closing, quotas are being met, and the revenue charts are off the roof.

The team is motivated. But what keeps them so? What is driving them to work so hard and close deals? Is it for the growth of the company? Maybe. Is it for the pure passion of closing deals? Possible. Is it to become the best sales rep in the company? Sure. Is it for the commissions they receive for meeting and exceeding their quota? That’s a resounding YES!

One of the oldest and most attractive parts of working in sales is the commissions or the incentives a sales rep is eligible to receive for the hard work they put in to meet quotas.

This leads to the company having effective sales commission criteria in place. It’s important that companies keep a tab on the rep’s performance, determine the commission they are eligible for and ensure they get fairly compensated.

Hence it’s vital that companies employ sales commission software. And if your company still thinks that its commission model is too simple/complex, these 9 sales commission softwares are designed keeping exactly that in mind.

Let’s explore them in more detail.

sales commission software

Top 9 Sales Commission Software

1. Spiff

2. Elevate

3. Everstage

4. Anaplan

5. QuotaPath

6. Xactly

7. Performio

8. SalesCookie

9. OpenComp

What is Sales Commission Software?

Sales Commission Software is a type of tool that helps businesses manage their sales commission calculations and payments to their sales representatives. 

Basically, it helps companies keep track of how well their sales are doing, figure out how much commission their salespeople should be earning based on different factors like sales targets, and even automate the whole commission payment process.

Think of it as your reliable companion in the sales world. 

It takes the guesswork out of the equation and provides a streamlined process for businesses to accurately determine the commissions owed to their sales team.

Overview Of Top 9 Sales Commission Software

1. Spiff

sales commission software

Spiff is a sales tool that helps businesses make their sales teams go. It’s all about giving those hardworking reps the right incentives to keep them motivated and driving in revenue. 

With Spiff, you can say goodbye to all the headaches of calculating commissions and managing performance. It does all the heavy lifting for you, so you can focus on growing your revenue. Plus, you get instant insights into how your sales compensation is shaping up, so you can make smarter decisions on the fly. It’s like having a secret weapon in your sales arsenal!


sales commission software


Spiff provides flexible pricing options tailored to the specific needs and size of each organization. The pricing structure is typically based on factors such as the number of users, the complexity of commission plans, and the desired features. 

2. Elevate

ElevateHQ is a leading commission tracking software. You can set up your commission plan (however complex) and integrate it with your CRM or any data source, such as spreadsheets, to automate calculations. You can set up invoice-based commission payouts in the software.

You can have better visibility into commissions earned vs. commissions ready-to-be-paid after approval or invoice paid. If your quarter-ends are crazy with payout errors and slow calculations, use ElevateHQ to manage commissions seamlessly end-to-end.


ElevateHQ Features


ElevateHQ offers flexible pricing based on your requirements, the size of the company, and the number of sales reps. You can contact them to discuss the pricing.

3. Everstage

Everstage is a leading project management and collaboration tool that’s got your back! It’s like having a superhero sidekick for your team, making sure everything runs smoothly and projects get done like a boss. 

With Everstage, you can say goodbye to chaos and hello to organized bliss! It’s got all the bells and whistles to help your team collaborate like a dream, stay on top of tasks, and track progress like a pro. No more missed deadlines or confusion – Everstage keeps everyone in sync and projects on track. It’s the secret weapon you need to conquer your projects and deliver success every time.


sales commission software


Everstage understands that every organization is unique, which is why it offers flexible pricing options that cater to your specific needs and size. The pricing structure takes into account factors like the number of users, the complexity of commission plans, and the desired features. It’s all about finding the perfect fit for your business, so you can maximize your sales incentives without breaking the bank.

4. Anaplan

Anaplan is all about helping organizations plan, analyze, and rock their business performance. And guess what? It’s all in the cloud, so you can access it from anywhere, anytime. 

With Anaplan, you can get rid to those pesky data silos as the tool connects data from all your sources. Make smarter decisions with real-time insights that’ll supercharge your growth. Anaplan is all about collaboration, so your team can work together and tackle those challenges like a boss!


sales commission software


The pricing structure is divided into basic, professional, and enterprise. However, each of these prices vary depending on the business requirements and features available. It is recommended to contact them through their website.

5. QuotaPath

sales commission software

QuotaPath is a nifty tool that transforms how you manage sales commissions and keeps your sales team motivated. It takes the headache out of calculating and tracking commissions, so you can ensure accuracy and transparency without breaking a sweat. 

You can easily create and manage complex commission structures that align perfectly with your sales goals. You’ll get real-time visibility into sales performance, arming your salespeople with the info they need to crush it. 

Plus, QuotaPath has stellar analytics and reporting features that give you valuable insights into your commission data. It’s a game-changer that’ll supercharge your sales commission process and fire up your sales team like never before.


sales commission software


QuotaPath Free$0
QuoatPath Startup$30/month
QuotaPath Scale$40/month

6. Xactly

sales commission software

Xactly is one of the sales superhero tool that turbocharges organizations’ sales processes, pumps up performance, and brings in the big bucks. With Xactly, businesses can automate and streamline their sales compensation processes, making sure that everything is spot-on and crystal clear.

This powerhouse platform offers a ton of features to manage incentive compensation, plan territories and quotas, and dive deep into sales performance analytics. It’s like having a secret weapon that guarantees sales success and helps businesses crush their goals!


sales commission software


Xactly offers flexible pricing structure. This ensures that businesses can find a solution that fits their requirements and budget, enabling them to drive sales performance and achieve their revenue goals effectively.

7. Performio

sales commission software

Performio is the real deal when it comes to sales performance management tools!

It’s all about helping organizations kick their sales processes into high gear, keep their teams motivated, and rake in more moolah. This tool is loaded with fantastic features to make managing sales compensation a breeze, keep things transparent, and make sure everyone’s on their A-game. 

With Performio, you can say goodbye to manual commission calculations because it automates that stuff like a boss. Plus, you’ll be able to track sales performance, see real-time metrics, and even get in-depth reports and analytics. It’s like having a secret weapon for skyrocketing sales and making killer data-driven decisions.


sales commission software


The prices for each plan can differ based on your specific business needs and the features you want. So, it’s best to hit them up through their website and have a chat about the pricing details. They’ll set you up with all the info you need.

8. SalesCookie

sales commission software

Sales Cookie is a super user-friendly, cloud-based tool that handles everything for your commission program. It’s got you covered from signing up participants to designing incentive plans and rocking personal dashboards. 

Sales Cookie packs all the cool stuff you’d find in big business solutions, but with a wallet-friendly price and a user experience that’s just right for small and medium-sized businesses. Whether you’re into fancy incentive plans, multi-currency support, or enrolling users, Sales Cookie has all the features and flexibility you need.


sales commission software


SalesCookie has got you covered with a pricing structure that’s as flexible as a rubber band. They make sure that businesses of all sizes can find the perfect solution that meets their specific needs and budget. This means you can unleash the power of SalesCookie to supercharge your sales performance and crush those revenue goals like a boss.

9. OpenComp

sales commission software

OpenComp is like magic for managing sales commissions. It’s the tool you need to make your life easier and take the hassle out of handling commissions. 

With OpenComp, you can effortlessly calculate, track, and analyze sales commissions. No more headaches or confusion when it comes to compensating your sales team. This tool has got all the features you need to streamline the entire process, from designing commission structures to processing payouts.


sales commission software


Pricing details can be obtained by contacting the vendor directly through their website or sales team. They offer customized pricing plans tailored to the specific needs and size of each organization.

Why Do you Need Sales Commission Software?

Managing sales commissions can be a real headache if you’re relying on spreadsheets and manual calculations. It’s time-consuming, error-prone, and can lead to all sorts of confusion and disputes.

With a top-notch sales commission software by your side, you can bid farewell to those never-ending spreadsheets and welcome automated calculations and streamlined processes. 

The software does all the heavy lifting for you, making sure that every commission is accurately calculated and allocated to the right salesperson.

It saves you time and effort and also brings transparency and fairness to your commission structure. You can easily set up and manage complex commission plans, aligning incentives with sales goals.

Plus, with real-time reporting and analytics, you gain valuable insights into your sales performance and can make data-driven decisions to boost your revenue.

But wait, there’s more! Sales commission software also keeps your sales team motivated and engaged. It provides them with real-time visibility into their performance and earnings, giving them a clear picture of how their hard work pays off. 

And you know what they say, a motivated sales team is a high-performing sales team!


When it comes to sales commissions, it’s critical for companies to have a solid system in place. You want to make sure you’re keeping a close eye on your reps’ performance and giving credit where credit is due.

That means accurately determining the commissions they’ve earned and making sure they’re getting paid what they deserve. It’s all about fairness and making sure everyone feels motivated and rewarded for their hard work.

With Nektar, you’ll have a crystal-clear view of your pipeline and deals, making it super easy to forecast like a pro. And guess what? When quotas are transparent, your commission becomes a whole lot clearer too. Nektar is like your trusty sidekick, giving you all the data and intelligence you need to smoothly run your sales commission.

Get in touch with us to know how Nektar’s ability to drive pristine data in your CRM can help you drive fairer sales commissions. Here’s a video of what we do.


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“ has helped us operationalize playbooks for our Go To Market teams. Not only do we have clear visibility into the process gaps, but we can proactively and consistently guide the rep into taking the next best action in line with our GTM playbooks.”
Yash Reddy
Chief Business Officer