Buying Committee Engagement

How Nektar Automates Buying Committee Engagement

Automate Buying Committee engagement with Nektar's advanced features. Capture every interaction, gain deep insights, and drive better sales outcomes. Learn more today!

In today’s complex B2B sales environment, understanding and engaging with buying groups is crucial for driving revenue. Modern B2B buying decisions are made by groups, not individuals so traditional methods, like tracking Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), are no longer sufficient. This shift necessitates a new approach to tracking engagement, one that leverages advanced technology to automate and streamline the process.

Nektar offers a powerful solution for sales teams looking to stay ahead. By automating the tracking of Buying Group Engagement, Nektar’s features ensure that every interaction is captured and analyzed, providing deep insights into the buying process. Features such as Automated Opportunity Contact Role Creation, Conditional OCR, Intelligent Meeting Tagging, and Contact Participation (Meeting Intelligence) work together to create a comprehensive and automated engagement tracking system.

In this blog, we will explore how Nektar’s advanced capabilities can transform your sales process, making it more efficient and effective by automating the tracking of Buying Group Engagement. We’ll delve into each feature, highlighting its benefits and real-world applications, to show you how Nektar can help your team achieve greater success in today’s competitive market.

Understanding Buying Group Engagement

Buying Group Engagement refers to the interactions and activities involving multiple stakeholders within an organization who collectively make purchasing decisions. Unlike the traditional focus on individual leads, Buying Group Engagement acknowledges the collaborative nature of B2B purchases, where various roles such as decision-makers, influencers, and end-users all contribute to the final decision.

In modern B2B sales, it’s essential to track and manage these engagements effectively. Understanding who is involved in the buying process, their roles, and their level of participation helps sales teams tailor their strategies and communication. This approach not only enhances the relevance of sales efforts but also increases the likelihood of closing deals by addressing the needs and concerns of all key stakeholders.

By automating the tracking of these engagements, sales teams can gain comprehensive insights into the buying dynamics, enabling them to engage more effectively and drive better outcomes.

How Nektar Automates Buying Group Engagement

Nektar’s innovative approach to automating Buying Group Engagement leverages several key features that streamline and enhance the process of managing interactions with multiple stakeholders. Here’s a detailed look at how each feature contributes to a more efficient and effective sales strategy:

1. Automated Opportunity Contact Role Creation

Nektar’s Automated Opportunity Contact Role Creation feature automatically identifies and assigns contact roles to opportunities within your CRM. This automation ensures that all relevant stakeholders are accurately documented and associated with each opportunity, reducing the manual effort typically required.

Automated Opportunity Contact Role Creation


  • Time-Saving: Eliminates the need for sales reps to manually input and update contact roles, freeing up their time to focus on selling activities.
  • Accuracy: Ensures that all contact roles are correctly and consistently assigned, reducing errors and improving data integrity.
  • Visibility: Provides a clear view of all individuals involved in the buying process, helping sales teams better understand and manage their interactions.

2. Conditional OCR (Opportunity Contact Role)

Conditional OCR allows for the creation of contact roles based on specific, predefined conditions. This feature enables sales teams to customize how and when contact roles are created, based on criteria that are most relevant to their sales processes.

Conditional OCR (Opportunity Contact Role)


  • Customization: Tailors the contact role creation process to fit the unique needs of different sales teams or business units.
  • Efficiency: Automatically applies the right conditions for contact role creation, ensuring that only the most relevant contacts are included.
  • Scalability: Supports the management of complex sales environments with numerous stakeholders and varying engagement scenarios.

3. Intelligent Meeting Tagging

Nektar’s Intelligent Meeting Tagging feature automatically tags meetings with relevant information, making it easier to track and analyze interactions with buying group members. This feature leverages AI to identify key details from meetings and associates them with the appropriate contacts and opportunities.

Intelligent Meeting Tagging


  • Enhanced Insights: Provides detailed insights into the content and outcomes of meetings, helping sales teams understand engagement levels and follow up effectively.
  • Consistency: Ensures that all relevant meeting information is captured and tagged correctly, enhancing the quality of data in the CRM.
  • Productivity: Reduces the manual effort required to document meetings, allowing sales reps to focus more on strategic activities.

4. Contact Participation (Meeting Intelligence)

The Contact Participation feature tracks and analyzes the participation of contacts in meetings. By monitoring who attends and actively participates in meetings, sales teams can gain valuable insights into the engagement levels of different stakeholders within the buying group.

Contact Participation (Meeting Intelligence)


  • Engagement Tracking: Identifies key influencers and decision-makers based on their participation and engagement in meetings.
  • Actionable Insights: Helps sales teams tailor their follow-up strategies based on the involvement and interest levels of different contacts.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Provides a data-driven approach to understanding and managing buying group dynamics, leading to more informed sales strategies.

How GuideCX got Visibility into $1.7Mn Inactive Pipe

Every company wants to squeeze out every drop of revenue from its active pipeline. Missing out on achievable quotas and letting potential revenue slip away due to inactivity and poor engagement have become the biggest sins in Sales. But what if there was a way to bring these dormant deals back into the spotlight for the sales teams?

This is the scenario we explore—a practical challenge met with a pragmatic question, setting the stage for the journey ahead. This is the story of GuideCX and how they transformed deal prioritization using process automation, powered by customized rules that considered the engagement data that Nektar captured in their CRM. This helped GuideCX gain instant visibility into $1.7M worth of inactive deals, which otherwise would have been lost forever.

Ready to revolutionize your sales process with automated Buying Group Engagement? Discover how Nektar’s advanced features can help your team capture every interaction, gain deep insights, and drive better outcomes.

Book a demo here.


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